Who can use the Pet Detective trademark
The term "Pet Detectve" has been trademarked and registered by PetDetective.nz to ensure that our brand and service are protected and that only suitably qualified people are out there giving advice on lost pets and how to find them.
PetDetetive.nz goal is not to stop others using this term - it is only to ensure that the advice being given to owners by people using the term Pet Detective meets acceptable standards and is being given by people who have undertaken proper training in the searching, tracking and recovery of lost animals.
Anyone who has completed an approved course can apply to Animal Register Limited to use the term 'Pet Detective' with the approval being valid for 12 months. All approvals must be renewed every 12 months. An annual fee for renewal will be charged to Individuals and Companies. Charitable organisations can apply to have the annual fee waived , subject to approval by ARL's directors.
To apply to use the trademark 'Pet Detective', please email help@petdetective.nz.

Who can use the 'Pet Detective' trademark.
To use the trademark any individual must be a MARN graduate or hold an acceptable Pet Detective qualification from a reputable organisation approved by Animal Register Limited.
Any request to use the trademark should be made BEFORE usage starts. An annual fee may be charged to renew the approval certificate.
To apply to use the 'Pet Detetive' trademark at least 50% of the staff in the company must be MARN graduates or have completed a recognised Pet Detective course, either in New Zealand or overseas that is approved by Animal Register Limited.
Any request for use of the NZ Pet Detective logo trademark will need be made BEFORE usage begins. No permissions to use the MARN logo will be given under any circumstances without approval from MARN in the USA. An annual fee will be charged to renew the approval certificate.
Other Organisations
Not-for-profit organisations or any other type of non-commercial user may apply to use the trademark as long as they are affiliated with, or promote the services of an approved pet detective.
Any request to use the New Zealand Pet Detective trademark should be made BEFORE usage starts. Every 12 months the organisation must confirm they still comply with the conditions of the trademark usage. Payment of the annual feee may be required, unless a waiver has been granted beforehand.