Find your pet for free!
Be your own Pet Detective - there are many steps you can take to find your lost pet that do not cost anything.
We recommend caution of any service that requires payment before they will help you find your pet.
Here at Petdetective.nz, we recognise that not everyone can afford to seek trained advice. For this reason our team are committed to prooviding a free service.
Please read the free advice on this site. Below there are links to resouces available in New Zealand. Facebook listings are completely free.
The NZCAR charges to be listed on the database, however the SPCA, many reputable rescues and some breeders include this cost in your adoption fee. You can check if your microchip is registered by calling 0508 567873.
Free Facebook Listings
New Zealand is very fortunate to have a large lost pet support network on facebook. The New Zealand Lost Pet Register is a free service run by volunteers all over New Zealand. If you are not familiar with social media one of the NZLPR volunteers can post the pet notice for you. This is an amazing service and is highly recommended.
To visit the NZLPR facebook page, please click here.
On this site we offer free advice and free support to help you find your lost pet.
We also have a range of equipment and tools to help you when searching. Our team of MARN trained Pet Detectives can provide advice when needed.
If you are hiring humane traps, microchip readers, gps units, or motion cameras from us, then we regret that some charges to cover courier costs and insurance are needed.
Lost and found pet mapping
This is a CHARGED SERVICE as there is a registration fee. It is not a lost pet system, rather an animal identification service.