Yes probably!
Please help found pets find home quickly by always erring on the side of caution and assuming a pet that is "hanging around” IS LOST and in need of help.
Many sites welcome listings for found pets, sighted pets and deceased pets. For example, if you see a panicked dog running down the road - please post this vital location information in your local forum for the owner to see.
Please post or list on community pages and national sites any deceased pet you may have seen with a full description and location. Take pictures for further identification (but please don't publish pictures on listings).
The same goes for any sick or injured pet you see. Pets can't ask for help, so they absolutely rely on us to be kind humans and help them find their family, or get to medical help.
If you find a pet that is sick or injured please contact your nearest SPCA urgently, or take the animal to the vet. Even if the pet does move into the care of a vet or SPCA etc, please list the found pet here on ideally with a picture and where the pet is now, so their owner can find them faster.
Thanks for your kind help, from the lost pets!