How can we help you find your missing pet?
We are a FREE online service providing advice and support when your pet is missing.
Our Pet Detective service is an advisory service only. Since Covid we no longer have pet detectives out in the field, nor are we maintaining our 24/7 0800 help line.
We are happy to offer advice and answer questions you may like to ask through email. We offer a free service and our advice is based on the experience of dealing with thousands of lost pets here in New Zealand, and as part of the global education and research provided through the Missing Animal Response Network (MARN).

Lost Pet Help offers free advice to help you find your lost pet. Our advice is based on the experiences of the international Pet Detective network, MARN (Missing Animal Response Network.) We do NOT charge a payment or accept donations if our service have helped.

Pet Searching

Free Resources is keen to help owners of missing pets by providing as many services as possible for free. We do not charge for access to our resources, online advice or for providing links to other recognised lost pet resources.
Helping get your pet home is our primary concern
Kim's Blogs
Kim's Blog
Our blogs cover a range of topics relating to lost dogs, cats, birds and other animals. We welcome feedback and articles if you think they will help others.
The name Kim's blog is still used today to recognise Kim, a true pioneer of online lost pet systems in New Zealand. A truly amazing person whose compassion for lost pets and desire to help lost pet owners created the groundwork for many of the online lost pet networks that exist today.
Most Recent Blogs
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"PetDetectiveNZ" is part of Animal Register Limited.
New Zealand's leading developer of lost and found pet repatriation systems.
Pet Detective Trademark
The term 'Pet Detective' is a protected trademark and may not be used by any individual or organisation that lacks proper training or has not been fiven written permission by Animal Register Limited.
For more information email us.